Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Eggs and Ketchup

If you do it, the terrorists have won. Disgusting, plain disgusting.

Never, and I mean never, should your eggs be touched by ketchup. They should never look like this:

Take a long look at this picture. I'll even excuse you if you need to throw up; I know I have vurped four times while posting this.

Eggs should only be partnered with the following: hot sauce, pepper, cheese, chorizo and hot dog bits. The list ends there.

I will make an exception though, a fried egg is allowed to touch ketchup if said egg is in a hamburger. Then it is quite alright. End of exceptions.

Stop the disgusting habit now if you partake, because it's damn Un-American. And you don't want to be Un-American, right?


Monday, February 6, 2012

Chili - the American Way

Chili is a staple of American culture so you better not mess it up.

Eating Chili like shown below, is damn Un-American:

Keep it American by putting in the mandatory onions and cheese in it. If you don't eat chili this way then we can't be friends. Our forefathers didn't build this country to the be the best by eating some bland chili, so don't embarrass yourself by disrespecting them.
